Our products using HEVC (H.265) technology

- HEVC IP Encoder with HDMI input
- HEVC IP Encoder IP with, HD-SDI input
- HEVC IPTV Set-Top Box
- HEVC Professional Broadcast Encoder
- HEVC Field Strenght Meter and TV Analyzer
- HEVC Offline analysis software
IP Encoder (HEVC/H.265)
- HDMI input
- HEVC (H.265) and H.264 encoding selectable
IP Encoder (HEVC/H.265)
- HD-SDI or SD-SDI input
- Loop output
- HEVC (H.265) and H.264 encoding selectable
4K UHD HEVC Professional Broadcast Encoder
Keepixo AL 2000 UHD
KEEPIXO AL-2000 UHD live encoder ingests one 4K SDI input (over four 3G-SDI inputs), and delivers it as a live TV service encoded in H.265/HEVC in 3840x2160p, 10 bits, at up to 60 fps.
It can deliver its live output directly to TS, HLS, or MPEG-DASH packaged formats, to enable 4K TV delivery over legacy networks or the open Internet. It also offers proven interoperability with the eco-system: DRM, subtitling, CDN, Ad Insertion.
The device can be easily operated and administered, and allows failure proof operation via N+P redundancy schemes and network teaming.
TV/SATELLITE/IPTV Field Strength Meter and Analyzer with HEVC (H.265)
HD RANGER 3 is the first TV Analyser of its kind to offer HEVC signal demodulation compatible with this new broadcast signals now on air.
The hybrid operation allows the equipment to be fully operated using both the touch panel and the conventional keyboard.
- DVB-T2, DVB-S2, IPTV, including publications in all TV formats can be viewed HEVC
- It supports all formats, including 1080p HD broadcasts
- It supports all the new parameters of the current HDTV broadcasting (T2M packet analysis, DCSSA LNB)
- Advanced IPTV measurement properties (total network load, Media Delivery Index MDI)
- Excellent spectrum analyzer features
IPTV Transcoder
IPTV Trancoder with IP in, IP out
6 different models with various transcoding capacities
Conversion possibility of MPEG2/H.264 live signals into HEVC/H265
HEVC/H.265 Analyzer

Quality measurements for HEVC video
Shows histograms, motion vectors, time stamps, GOP length statistics, distribution of bits, reference lists, quantizers and more
Color highlighting of frame type (I, B, P) and reference frames
- HEVC file validation
- Development of HEVC codecs
- Teaching of HEVC